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Brimscombe CE VA Primary School

Brimscombe CE VA Primary School

& Ladybirds Pre-School

Brimscombe CE VA Primary School

Physical Education

Curriculum Intent

We want all our pupil's experience of PE to be positive and motivating.

Quality PE teaching enables pupils to become physically confident. This supports their health, wellbeing and fitness and provides the foundations for lifelong activity.

We want our pupils to succeed in competitive sport and physical activities as well as enjoy all that sport can offer.


We offer all children chances to compete in sport and other activities. This helps them build character and learn values such as fairness and respect. Through PE, we develop the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding. They build confidence and competence in a range of activities.

Ring fenced Sports funding is used effectively to promote PE across the school.


Each child receives 2 hours of physical exercise per week. PE is taught with specialist coaches or class teachers. Our curriculum covers a broad and full range of skills and sports & dance.

Children in key stage 1 & 2 attend swimming lessons in a local pool. By the time they leave our school our  aim is that all our pupils can  swim 25 metres or more competently and confidently using a range of strokes.

In  PE lessons our pupils: 

Have fun and experience success in sport

 Join in at their own level of development

Build and secure a range of skills

 Develop good sporting attitudes

Understand basic rules

Experience positive competition, learning to win and lose in a sporting manner

Our school curriculum is enriched by our membership of the Stroud Schools Sport Association which organises regular inter- school competitions in wide range of sports for KS1 & KS2. 

The school offers a wide range of after school sports clubs which are regularly changed.   


All children at Brimsombe CE Primary receive a broad and balanced PE curriculum.

Teachers plan PE with clear progression of skills and knowledge.

All children at our school have daily opportunities for physical activity.

Children have opportunities to take part in competitions against other local schools.

We recognise the link between mental wellbeing and physical exercise.

As an inclusive school, all our children get the opportunity to participate in sport and represent the school.

 We celebrate all our pupils’ successes in sport and Physical Education.  

On our curriculum overview you can see how PE is planned across the year. 

Below you can download the PE skills progression to see how PE skills are  developed sequentially through the school.

On class pages you can see what each class will be doing in PE for each term. 


Brimscombe Hill, Brimscombe, Stroud, Gloucestershire GL5 2QR

01453 882474

For hard copies please contact Mrs S Newman in the office