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Brimscombe CE VA Primary School

Brimscombe CE VA Primary School

& Ladybirds Pre-School

Brimscombe CE VA Primary School

Ladybirds Pre-School

Our wonderful setting provides an ideal foundation for your child in preparation for life at school.

Here at Ladybirds we seek to promote a safe and enjoyable learning environment, designed to encourage your child’s natural curiosity and to promote confidence.

We have our own page on the school website so you can keep up to date with all the children's adventures, along with SeeSaw an online learning journal where your child's learning and development will be posted. We endeavour to support both child and parent beyond the confines of the school, with particular emphasis on developing language and communication skills.

Please find below a copy of the Pre-school prospectus including booking and registration forms. 

Please contact us if you would like any further information or to make an appointment to see us in action! Our pre-school lead is Kate Birchley.

You can also call the school office on 01453 882474. 

We look forward to meeting you and your little one!

Brimscombe Hill, Brimscombe, Stroud, Gloucestershire GL5 2QR

01453 882474

For hard copies please contact Mrs S Newman in the office