Spring 2 Week 1 Our Week in Robins

We have had a great first week back in Robins class this week.
In maths Year 1s have been consolidating their number skills, ordering and comparing numbers up to 20 and beyond, whilst reception children have been doubling numbers.
In writing, Year 1s have been exploring rhyming words and recording ideas for their own poems. Reception children have been reading Jack in the Beanstalk this week, learning some exciting new language and drawing pictures from the story.
In PE with Mrs Pockett this week we enjoyed some problem solving games and learnt to work toegther in a team. Geography saw us comparing the countryside with towns and cities. We built our own town houses with our outside contruction equipment and painted/coloured some super maps. In our music sessions we found the beat in the music and performed nursery rynmes to our peers using instruments.