We extended our own play by drawing around the numicon and counting the holes. We asked Mrs B to write the numbers and some of us liked counting all the holes to see how many we had drawn altogether.
Today we were talking about firefighters and this led to talking about looking after each other and being kind. We have made a big class heart. So, when other people do kind things for us, we are going to share with our class and put a sticker on the heart.
We made our tree shapes out of play dough, then decorated them with loose parts, we took them apart and kept making new designs. Lots of chatter about what bits we were using, the colours, patterns and how many of each we could use to be 'fair'.
Rather than throwing balls at our towers, we helped to make our own wrecking ball. We watched a real wrecking ball demolition. We made our own buildings and knocked them down.
We made a gingerbread house today. We looked at photos of real gingerbread houses and made pretend candy canes and lollipops to decorate it. We have put it in our entrance hall as we are so proud of what we have made together.
Before we left school yesterday, we read a story about Jack Frost. We decided to leave out some pots of water with dinosaurs and Moshi monsters in to see what happened overnight. We were so excited when the characters were stuck in the ice, and it triggered lots of language and discussion about what...
Our huge sheets of material help us to create wonderful dens, this one stayed up for 4 hours today. We kept adding to it, and it ended up with a tunnel entrance, a front room, a bedroom and a kitchen with ALL the accessories.
We learnt a new song about Goldilocks, then Miss Hose made us a Goldilocks with hair that we could learn how to plait. We used lots of new language and listened to instructions.