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Brimscombe CE VA Primary School

Brimscombe CE VA Primary School

& Ladybirds Pre-School

Brimscombe CE VA Primary School

Pre school blog

Page 1

  • 12/07/24

    Tie dye...

    We had an amazing time turning our white clothes into tie dye wonders.
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  • 04/07/24

    Making potions...

    Today we were wizards. We made potions that would turn people into frogs, unicorns and cats and make us fly.
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  • 01/07/24

    Garden area...

    Our new 'bouncy' flooring is finished. The children were so excited to go out to our new, improved, larger play area. Lots of fun things to add yet too...
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  • 26/06/24

    Magical creatures...

    We drew a little fairy and created lots of different fairy dust. .All the different dusts had different magical powers that we had to decide, we had sleep dust, flying dust and change colour dust.
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  • 26/06/24

    Loose parts...

    We made some beautiful loose parts patterns, we moved them around and kept creating new ones.
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  • 25/06/24


    Greenfields men have been working hard in the sunshine to lay our new bouncy flooring. It should be finished by the end of the week.
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  • 19/06/24

    Alien space rocks...

    This week we are learning about aliens. We decorated some space rocks today using cotton buds and glittery paint.
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  • 17/06/24

    Our outdoor area...

    We are very excited as work is starting on our outdoor area to make it bigger and have all weather surface. Watch this space...
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  • 04/06/24

    3D castle...

    We created a 3 D castle and used lots of new language, like moat, drawbridge and knight.
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  • 24/05/24

    Flour patterns...

    We made lots of marks in the flour, naming patterns and shapes.
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  • 24/05/24

    Looking after our plants...

    We used the water pump on our mud kitchen to fill the watering can, then we watered the plants.
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  • 13/05/24

    Is it magnetic?

    Experimenting with materials to see what is magnetic.
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Brimscombe Hill, Brimscombe, Stroud, Gloucestershire GL5 2QR

01453 882474

For hard copies please contact Mrs S Newman in the office